Self-Care During Stressful Times
I had a beautiful conversation with a dear friend of mine yesterday. We were talking about lifestyle choices, and our struggle to eat the foods, move our bodies, rest, and organize our spaces in the ways that are most aligned with our values on a consistent basis. Through our conversation, I was able to verbalize […]
6 Ways to Support Your Inner Child at Home
Hi folks, this is a bit more vulnerable of a post for me to share, and I’m hoping that it will help at least some of you feel more seen, understood, or give you a few new tools to try and heal the wounded inner child inside you. Healing childhood wounds is something I am […]
Thoughts from a Walk in the Trees
I had a wee bit of time this morning so I had a quick wander in my favourite little patch of nature. As I was walking, I noticed the wildness of the forest – how trees, weeds, and brambles grow wherever and however they feel. No rules, no requirements, no expectations placed on them. And […]
Dear Client: This is What I See
Dear client, I wish you could see yourself from my perspective for even just a moment. I truly believe you would be amazed by what I see through my lens. I’m going to share with you a bit of what I get to see as your therapist, and while it may be hard to belief, […]
The Uncomfortable Side-Effect of Self-Compassion That We Don’t Often Talk About
Self-compassion didn’t come easily to me, and if I’m fully honest, I still struggle with it at times. My brain is very creative (I can come up with incredibly imaginative worst-case scenarios) and over the years my head’s been a pretty awful place to live in at times. I’m so grateful for my own healing […]
How a yoga class changed the way I talk about healing
I’ve recently joined a yoga studio, as a way of honouring my own mind/body/spirit connection and supporting my holistic wellness. This has been a wonderful experience on many levels, and one yoga philosophy in particular has really impacted the way I talk about healing – so much that I’ve used it in sessions with clients […]
Why I Don’t Tell Clients to Practice Self-Care (and What I do Instead)
As a psychotherapist in a private practice and a part-time professor at a local college, a great deal of my work centres around time-management, stress-management, and self-care. I have had conversations with students, colleagues, supervisors, clients, and my own therapists around self-care over the years, and to be honest, part of me has come to […]
5 Reasons your New Year’s Resolution Didn’t Work Out, and How to Change That
If you’re like me, and the majority (if not all) of my clients, you have good intentions for yourself and your wellness, but struggle sometimes with follow-through. We seem to enter each new year full of hope, dreams and ambitions…. but somewhere in the middle of January, something happens that often derails the process. If […]
8 Reminders When Creating a Bedtime Routine
I have dealt with insomnia at some level for most of my life. Lack of sleep impacts all levels of health and functioning and getting a restful night’s sleep is important. Unfortunately, life, stress, and insomnia can easily get in the way of this. Developing a routine before bed can go a long way in […]
What is Health and Wellness Counselling?
When you think of health and wellness, what comes to mind? So often people think of physical health, from weight to fitness levels, from diet to exercise. And this is definitely an important part of our wellness. When our bodies don’t feel healthy, it is often pretty clear that there is an issue. However, we […]